Extended Stay Hotel | Corporate Temporary Housing | Vacation Rental | Guest House
St. Louis Area
1108 George St., Suite A, Alton, IL 62002-7240

ADA Website Accessibility Statement

George Street Suites is committed to making our website accessible to people with disabilities. We have designed our website to be accessible for impaired users to see, navigate, interact and understand the content provided as per the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA (WCAG 2.0 AA). We have tested the functionality of this website with the achecker.ca tool and the Google Chrome Accessibility Audit tool.

George Street Suites continues to make every effort to meet evolving website accessibility standards. However, if you have any difficulty accessing content, viewing a file, checking  availability, or making a reservation, please contact us for assistance 24/7.

You are invited to help us continue to improve the accessibility of this site by providing suggestions or comments. Please provide the website address or URL and the specific problem(s) you encountered. You will receive a reply as soon as possible:

  • 618-433-9403
  • info@GeorgeStreetSuites.com